Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

Well today Zach and I were finally able to get a hold of the adoption director at our agency.  She said that she has been out of town a lot and has been playing catch up for awhile... (insert sigh of frustration here).  I was able to get a bunch of questions answered and she said from this point on she would make sure to respond to any questions that we have.  To sum up the conversation:

- Our home study was submitted about 3 weeks ago for the 2 kids in Houston, but she said that since we haven't heard anything most likely we were not chosen.

- She suggested that we broaden our range for older kids and 3 or more (we get a lot of profiles with these ranges).  Zach and I talked tonight and we are staying with our original decision of 2 kids up to 8 years old.  With our age and this being our first time as parents we feel that is the best decision.  

Prayer Request:  For us to continue waiting patiently until God is ready to reveal our kids to us and to remove any doubt that we encounter. 

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