Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

Well today Zach and I were finally able to get a hold of the adoption director at our agency.  She said that she has been out of town a lot and has been playing catch up for awhile... (insert sigh of frustration here).  I was able to get a bunch of questions answered and she said from this point on she would make sure to respond to any questions that we have.  To sum up the conversation:

- Our home study was submitted about 3 weeks ago for the 2 kids in Houston, but she said that since we haven't heard anything most likely we were not chosen.

- She suggested that we broaden our range for older kids and 3 or more (we get a lot of profiles with these ranges).  Zach and I talked tonight and we are staying with our original decision of 2 kids up to 8 years old.  With our age and this being our first time as parents we feel that is the best decision.  

Prayer Request:  For us to continue waiting patiently until God is ready to reveal our kids to us and to remove any doubt that we encounter. 

Monday, April 11, 2011


Latest: A bunch of you guys have been anxiously asking what is the latest with the adoption... the answer is a whole bunch of nothing!  We did receive an email from the adoption director last week apologizing that she has been so unavailable in the past month and that she was going to catch up with all of the families' statuses.  That was last Wednesday and we still have not heard anything about the two little boys that we asked our home study to be submitted for.  We still do not know if we were even chosen to be sent to the Houston office for the initial evaluation.  Sooooo.... as always we are just putting everything is God's hands. 

Prayer Request: That we continue to trust in God's perfect timing and not get frustrated when things do not happen when we think they should. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Out of Our Hands

I have come to realize that every step of the adoption process is a whole new venture of its own.  Just when you think that you have figured out how to handle the current emotional stressors you move on to the next step and have to start all of over. 

Latest: We began receiving profiles on kids legally free for adoption last week.  I don't think that anything could have emotionally prepared me for the abundance of kids' heartbreaking stories that were sent to us.  I cannot even express the need of so many kids right here in Texas that have been through more in their short lives than any of us combined. 

Zach and I did request that our home study be submitted for one of the sibling groups sent to us.  With the specific location that this sibling group is at, they only allow each agency to submit 2 families.  If we are one of the 2 families then our home study is sent to the adoption agency in charge of the kids' case where they will decide the best match out of all of the home studies sent from all around Texas.  The frustrating thing is that there is absolutely no communication with us beyond us asking to be submitted.  We are not even told if we were one of the two families chosen.  So now we just wait... and know that we are waiting to maybe never hear anything about this sibling group.  From what I understand they only contact us if we are chosen as a match for the kids.

Prayer Request:  More than ever we are learning to completely put our trust in God.  My prayer request is that we continue to completely rely on Him with every passing day that we hear nothing.